March 29, 2010

And What Is More...

While I am feeling a little glum today, there are a lot of things to look forward to and to look back on and smile. This weekend, we picked up the pace we were running at (before work flew off the deep end) and completely overhauled the garage. It had become an ant colony and I'm sure that every ant in the neighborhood was born, either resides in or visits often. We took two TWO truck loads of trash to the dump, which was stress relieving and disgusting. Throwing that blankety blank trash into the huge dumpsters from the back of the truck in the rain was an oh-so-lovely thing to do on a Sunday morning with sore backs and legs from lifting and dragging boxes all day on Saturday. Boxes of glassware had to be unwrapped and brought into the house to be cleaned of the dirt and bugs that had made their homes in the damp moldy newspaper. Oh, we had such a good time! And now my kitchen is stacked high with old dishes, some of which I will be keeping, but so much will be sent to the far ends of wherever will have them. But, it was a lovely day Saturday and we had a pretty good time. I like working with my partner and best friend.

I also picked out a lot of pretty house dresses, gave some coats to my little friend Joey, and made an attempt at washing what seemed salvageable. They'll need a good dosing of bleach before I'll ever consider wearing any of them.

What I'm looking foward to is actually a good bit of hard work. It is very satifying to complete a job that needs to be done, like cleaning out this garage. Next up, the yard. We plan to cultivate something besides overgrown bushes and weeds. We'll build a fantastic little garden house out of the unused doors (landlord willing), plant a bradford pear and a vegetable garden. Gotta power wash the house, put up a fence, paint the shutters and doors, refinish the front porche, buy a grill and some patio furniture, take up a second job, sell our souls, and take the bus.

I just realized I typed "refinish the front porche." Now, the back porche is another matter.

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