March 27, 2014

I Don't Know if We're Ready

Several things all mixed up in my brain tonight...
As I sit at my desk during one the last nights of session - the last session that your Daddy and I will work together because he is going to quit his job and we will be living off of one shabby income.
Will we fail?
I don't think we're ready to live off one income.
But I think we can do it.
Your Daddy needs this break. Your Daddy deserves to seek his own future. I will support him. He will support me by taking care of you and your brother and sister.
I don't know if we're ready for it, but I think it's what we need to do.
As I sit here with your Daddy's first album buzzing in my earphones, I know that the best songs are because of us - you and me.
I don't think we're ready for fame.
But I think we can manage something like it. Your Daddy is a talent. He is a marvel.
You will be too.
I spend so much time thinking about how the house isn't ready. Now I'm thinking that it won't matter. I am thinking that it will happen in time, that we will have a place for you. You already have a place - our hearts opened up BIG and WIDE for you... have opened up, spit open, and aired out for you. We are ready for you with our big open hearts and I feel so relieved that the space in our home is the least of my worries.  But people keep asking about it.
Mind your own business. Can you come and make sense of it for us? Are you going to come and buy me a new vacuum cleaner and start using it?
We have started giving poor Zelda, your dog, a lot of medicine so maybe she won't be so relentlessly itchy and annoying. We are considering huge life changes to make this space for you work - and work better for all of us. You are a blessing and I could never consider you less than one.
Even though I'm afraid we're not ready.
I think we'll be fine though.

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