September 12, 2013

Thinking Brownies

 This is my Brownie girl.
 My Brownie troop: Hailey, Genevieve, Abby, and Alexis. (We missed Kaelyn this day.) Each is something different. I think Hailey is a firecracker, she's spunky. Genevieve is rough around the edges, she's figuring it out. Abby is collected, she's got if figured out. Alexis is a doodlebug, she's got the sweetest laugh.
 These three. This boy. We know how I feel about him. The brightest star.
The highlight was the play, The Brownie Story. Little Sarah joined in. Abby was the father, Sarah was the grandmother. Hailey and Alexis were Mary and Betty. Viv was the wise old owl in her glasses and meditative perch in the big picnic table tree. Brownies are helpers, they are the do-ers. I am excited to help these girls do good in a world of petty crap. I hope I can help.

I'm beginning to think about teaching. I'm beginning to look back at experiences and hopes and dreams and ideas and realize that I set aside what was difficult for something far, far, far more difficult - raising a family from scratch - no eggs or sperm or gestation or fertilization or pregnancy or joy or pain, just BOOM: kids, house, pets, marriage, mortgage, debt, groceries, laundry, dishes, dinner, lunch, breakfast, travel, school, homework, bathtime, bedtime, tantrums, giggle fits, joy, laughter, tears, panic, frustration, tonsils, adnoids, ex wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, dirty old grandpas, child support, tattoos, obsession, impulse, anger, fury, neglect, drinking, physical abuse, scraped shins, late nights, early nights, broken sink drains, dog allergies.

On third thought, I think I would be able to handle a fucking classroom.

Thank you real life. Thank the Girl Scouts. Thank my ability to dive in head first without even thinking.

Fall, new van, Halloween, sewing, pets, sunshine, yard, music, clean sheets, sweep, kids, walk.
Brownies are do-ers. I am a Brownie Leader.

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